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Smile and a Wave America will be Couch Surfing across the U.S.A! Yes folks, coming soon to a couch near you “Your Happiness Coach” Edward Rodriguez (Eddy) will be spreading smiles! Traveling by way of his 1993 Chevy Van, Eddy (Smile and Wave America) will couch surf from town to town helping people to find the positive things in life as well as happiness and joy at a time when all the news is negative.

To start this off Smile and Wave America is going to where it’s needed the most; Eddy will take it out to the people. I will be traveling across America in my van helping people to see the power of the smile. Laughter and smiles are powerful tools to use when battling negative forces. What America needs today is for someone to take charge and lead them into a more positive state of mind. All the news offered now, is surrounded with negativity. What people want, is to see that somebody cares. People are looking for someone to go out and start spreading hope and I want to be that someone. I will represent the hard working people of America.

I’m a man that has worked hard all of my life, I have built my life with sweat and endurance. Over the years I have had many challenges to over come and have been able to meet those challenges head on and win. I have created tools that have helped me to maintain a never give up, never surrender attitude. Some of the challenges I have over come in the last three years are; miss management by a business partner that caused my business to fail, the death of my oldest daughter, a cerebral hemorrhage and most recently my house being robbed. Each of these events could have created a mass overload of negativity if I allowed it to take over my thoughts but instead, I found the gifts in all of these and I will be sharing the tools I used to do that all across America. See you in your town soon!

To learn more about Smile and A Wave America go to:

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