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The UCW Radio Host Louis Velazquez had the opportunity to have the Author of the novel “Nine Lives” , Frank Say, on the show.

Frank Say is a Western Pennsylvania native, having attended the University of Pittsburgh, GO PITT!!!!, to working a standard 9-5 job when one day he decided to put pen to paper and began writing his first novel “Nine Lives.”

Say admits that this wasn’t his first choice, as a child he had pie in the sky dreams of becoming a fireman or a doctor, the typical dreams that any child has, even he was surprised of his journey to date, a journey that has put his name in book stores around the world.

Having not been a top tier student during his school days, especially in literary classes, he went on to creating a great novel that has all the signs of being set for a good screenwriter to turn into a feature film.

Still having the Mead type of spiral subject books tied together with wire depicting each chapter of “Nine Lives,” this is the original handwritten book that is sure to be looked at in the years to come as collectors item.

Say touches on the overabundance of new novels being issued each month, he equates it to three “Hines Field”, yes the Pittsburgh Steelers have to slide into this authors overview, packed to the the rafters with each person holding up a novel, he calls it the “Wild Wild West” in publishing.

With all of the odds stacked against him, getting moral support from his family while others outside of his inner circle smirking at the fact that Say would even attempt to write a novel are now believers because as Frank Say is on the UCW Radio Show as a guest he is working on his second novel, which is being lined up as a series.

In our opinion he has all the makings of becoming one of the great mystery/thriller/supernatural novel writers of our time and we look forward to seeing him reach those great heights.

We urge avid book readers that have not picked up “Nine Lives” to do so, if you have the opportunity to meet Frank Say in person at a book signing then do so, and if you do not know much about this great author then do so, its worth your time.

Websites: www.franksay.com

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