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The UCW Radio Host Louis Velazquez had the opportunity to have Fitness Model/Athlete Charla Cormier on the Show.

Charla Cormier is not only a mother but she is a wife and top rated athlete and fitness model.

She grew up in a small town called Marble Falls, Texas and she was the youngest of 3 children. When Charla was 5 years old her parents signed her up for gymnastics class; this was the beginning of an amazing journey for Charla as her love for fitness kicked into high gear. By the age 8 she was a competitive gymnast.

In High School she was a varsity Cheerleader, Drill Team Dancer and played Volleyball, all the while still an active athlete. Charla admits that she did not grow up with that sleek toned body of an athlete.

After graduating Marble Falls High School in 1992, she taught Gymnastics and attended Austin Community College. She quickly realized college was not for her and continued to follow her passion for fitness. Determined to finally figure out how to achieve that sleek toned body, she became a certified personal trainer and eventually went on to manage a GNC (General Nutrition Center) Store. She learned so much from both jobs, but still did not achieve the body of her dreams.

In 2000 Charla got married to her wonderful and supportive husband Rob. The couple resided in Austin, TX at the time and like most couples decided to start a family; Charla and Rob wasted no time and she got pregnant right away. Unfortunately, during the 7th month of her pregnancy the doctors had to do an emergency C-section because their son had developed a heart anomaly; he passed away just 6 days later.

This was a huge tragedy for Charla and Rob, one that takes a lot of inner strength and a strong marriage to get through. During those rough times, they made a joint decision to make a change, they needed a change, so they moved out to California. Her husband started a new job and they were finally getting back to a normal life. They decided to start that family we always dreamed about.

They had their second son in 2003 and a little girl in 2004; both were very healthy babies.

Charla says “Wow, becoming a Mommy certainly changes your body!! I had reached 170lbs and was very depressed and miserable! After seeing a picture of me standing next to my Mom and looking as big as a house, something snapped! I refused to be an out of shape mom and wife.”

So Charla wanted to show everyone especially all the new mothers around the world that the over weight MOMMY MOLD could be broken!

Charla, not afraid to jump in head first, decided to enter herself in an NPC figure competition to give her a goal to focus on. Now keep in mind this wasn’t years afterwards, Charla Cormier stepped on an NPC stage just nine months after having her daughter, she competed at a weight of 126 pounds and placed 6th out of 12 women that competed, this was the beginning of a new life for Charla.

In her own words, “I WAS HOOKED! I was so proud of myself for finally reaching my fitness goal and accomplishing something I thought was impossible; especially after having a C-section! ”

Ever since that fateful day when something snapped in Charla to compete in her first fitness competition, she hasn’t stopped, she went to the National Level, she became a certified personal trainer for Anytime Fitness ([email protected]), a fitness model/athlete for All American EFX (www.aaefx.com), She has graced the covers of a few magazine covers, she is one of the developers of the new eating plan called The Cave Man Plan (www.thecavemanplan.com), and on top of all of that she is sponsored by Eric Nolan’s Xtreme Martial Arts and Fitness Center (www.ericnolan.com), but most of all, and quoting from Charla once again, “I AM ONE HAPPY MOMMY.”

Charla’s journey is an amazing one, she broke through adversity and not looking for it she found her purpose, as sometimes things happen in life for a reason.

She has succeeded in reaching many of her goals because of the support and love of her family, friends, sponsors and her faith in the lord.

She goes on to say “I am very fortunate and proud to be where I am today. My main goal though, is to be a good mother, wife and role model for her family. My passion is fitness and teaching others to MAKE A GOAL, NOT AN EXCUSE. I truly believe you can achieve any goal once you set your mind to it. The KEY is You must believe in yourself and put all excuses aside!”

“Success is just a reach away , GO FOR IT—BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND NEVER LOOK BACK– YOU CAN DO IT! ” continues Charla and she leaves us with this message:

“Love life and stay fitness focused, Charla.”

“I asked Charla if she would ever be open to being a guest celebrity on Dancing with the Stars due to her dancing background, and the answer was an astounding yes, her story is amazing and she is destined for great things in the future.” Stated Louis Velazquez , host of the UCW Radio Show

Websites: www.thecavemanplan.com

Charlas Official Blog: www.aaefx.com/cormier/blog

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