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The UCW Radio Host Louis Velazquez had the opportunity to have TV/Film Producer David Lyons on the Show.

David Lyons is one of the most inspirational stories that we had the honor of telling on the UCW Radio Show, his outlook on life is amazing, despite him having a daily battle with MS he still forges forward with his desire to live and accomplish great thing sin life. Although he has inspired many his main goal is to show his three children the path to true fulfillment in their lives and to continue reaching for the moon despite adversity.

The David Lyons story is one that we urge our listeners to not only listen to but to learn from it. Lyons , despite having a disease that could literally diasble a person, he made a choice to compete as a bodybuilder without the use of MS drugs.

Its an amazing journey that only David Lyons can tell.

More About David Lyons:

Since 2002 LYONS Entertainment has been creating, developing and producing original programming for television and film. LYONS Entertainment President and Executive Producer, David Lyons has won over 25 international awards and has partnered with some of entertainment’s top executives and producers.

In addition to creating and producing its own original properties, LYONS Entertainment collaborates with other talented creators and producers to bring their television show or film concept to market. LYONS Entertainment credits include syndicated television series Hog Heaven, currently in its fourth season, airing on Untamed Sports TV (www.untamedsportstv.com); Street Games and Rack which have been green lit by FOX Sports Network; and Creepers which has won 30 international awards and was screened at the Cannes Short Film Festival in Cannes, France. Creepers is currently under contract for worldwide distribution through Engine 15 Media Group.

“David Lyons is a true inspiration, his story is amazing, his journey is worthy of accolades, if this doesn’t teach us that we can achieve anything in life despite the adversities in front of us then nothing will, I was honored to be able to conduct his interview,” said Louis Velazquez, Host of the UCW Radio Show.

Websites: www.theultimatebodytvshow.com

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